Category Archives: Misc



I brought #Reframe24 back to Miami Art Week for the seventh year.

It is such a joy to engage artists, and art lovers with visual conversation and connection.

Check out the project

Art is Everywhere!!!

Looking forward to next year’s adventures.

Black Tie Friday

Black Tie Friday

I staged the Third Annual “Black Tie Friday.”

A protest to raise awareness of mass consumption.

The event takes place at Holiday Windows the day after Thanksgiving.

Perhaps you will join me some year.

Cat Ladies Unite

Cat Ladies Unite

Halloween Parade 2024 ~ Co-Created “Cat Ladies Unite”

with Elissa Stein, we were joined by over 50 enthusiastic people.

It was fun to create space and structure for participants

and encourage their performative fabulosity.

While having them vibrantly stand up for their beliefs.

Ocean on Parade

Ocean on Parade

For the 2024 Woods Hole 4th of July Parade,

I created an ocean with childhood friends and family.

Nice to organize a playful way of speaking to climate chaos.

Grateful for everyone’s participation.


Check out to share in the interactive adventures of Miami Art Week/Basel 2022. It was a treat to expand perspectives through connection. The invitation is to play with framing “art.” We can choose what art is, and everyone has agency in that choice.”