50 Ways…

50 Ways…

I am the Creator and co-Director of this brand new Play ! Upcoming Play 50 Ways.. to perform at Capital Fringe July 18- 28th- for more details follow link – 50Waysplay.com

50 Ways… is a performance of fifty brief scenes of people leaving their loves, inspired by Paul Simon’s 1974 song, “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover.” This tour-de force explores the possible ways one choose to leave gracefully, or not. Fourteen different writers have written  50 mini-scenes. Their stories explore the varied ways we find to move on. Some will be familiar, some bizarre, some hilarious, and some tragic, but all ultimately connecting us to an ability to seek what we need and not settle for less. An ensemble cast of six actors inhabit all of the roles.

How did you leave your last lover? These are your stories. Come see your story up on stage.

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